To benefit from the many advantages that a nail drill machine offers, you must know how to use it. Here are some basic rules to know to use a nail drill properly.
1) Speed
This speed allows the sander bit to spin quickly and can reach 30,000 revolutions per minute. For a start, avoid using the maximum speed, and you can gradually increase the speed according to the results you want to obtain.
2) Pressure
Just like with the traditional file, you don’t need to press down hard on your sander before it works. All you have to do is put it on the nail and then start its movement.
3) Position
You need to be flexible with your wrist and hand to use a nail grinder well. Also remember to keep your balance so that the tool is stable during work.
4) Movement
You can work from back to front or side to side depending on your needs. The result you want to achieve is what will determine the movement to adopt. In addition, training may be the best solution to successfully use this device and avoid damaging the nails.
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