Dry feet is a phenomenon that can occur all year round. Indeed, the drying of the skin of the feet causes the appearance of unpleasant and painful roughness and calluses. The drying of the skin can come from one or more factors such as the very nature of its skin in this place devoid of sebaceous glands, friction and repeated pressures by wearing inappropriate shoes, the fact of market bare feet on the sand, prolonged standing or just the fact of being diabetic or menopausal.
The thickening of the skin, or Hyperkeratosis, is a normal phenomenon in reaction to frequent friction, it is therefore not serious even if it remains unsightly but, without appropriate treatment, it can cause cracks in the skin, more or less painful. , called crevices. These can evolve into real wounds with a significant risk of infection.
The best remedy for dry feet and calluses is to moisturize your feet every day and exfoliate once a week. If you have a little time, I advise you to take a foot bath with warm water and coarse salt or half a lemon for 10 minutes in order to soften the skin well. Then, you have to dry your feet and exfoliate them in order to remove dead skin, for example using a pumice stone.
After that, rinse your feet well and use a foot rasp on the places where the skin has thickened, usually on the arches of the feet and at the base of the toes. I recommend the electric nail drill which is more effective than a manual file. In addition, it makes the peeling time shorter and less tiring while being sure not to remove too much callus, which would stimulate its formation again.
I strongly advise against the use of skin cutters or corns, which are sometimes too aggressive or/and poorly used, which risks causing cuts.
To remove dead skin residue, once again rinse your feet and dry the belongings. Now is the time for hydration, to apply a moisturizer adapted to the feet. In order to quickly obtain a very good result, it is best to use this cream in the evening and then put on cotton socks to sleep.
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Read also: The Benefits Of Manicure And Pedicure