In spite of the name, French manicure was born in the United States in the mid-70s from an intuition of Jeff Pink, a Hollywood make-up artist. In practice, it is a type of treatment that seeks to best enhance the natural appearance of the nail, simply by increasing the contrast between the front bezel and the back of the nail.
Pink then thought of creating a Natural Nail Look that would give the impression of a manicure that is always perfect and flawless without necessarily having to retouch it continuously. Gone a little out of use in the 80s-90s, to give way to the strong and whimsical colors typical of that decade, it came back into vogue in the 2000s, years in which French manicure was everywhere and there was no woman who doesn’t want to always have a perfect French manicure.
Over the years the techniques to increase this contrast and make the front bezel, or smile, whiter and whiter, have changed considerably. Today, alongside the traditional French manicure, new ones are being born, from the shaded one, to the lateral one, to the colored one, to the decorated or inverse one but certainly no one likes it like the classic one.
As for the shape and length of the nail, being the French manicure a way to enhance the natural beauty of the nails, the best thing is to leave them short or in any case of a medium length and preferably with a square shape but with rounded corners, the french on long nails or with a pointed or excessively square shape risk being too much and much less elegant.
From reading this article, you should have a try and see which one you like best! Just buy some nail beauty supplies at our Maryton website, and I wish you have a good manicure!
Read also:The Things about Russian Manicure