Toenail fungus is a common condition that affects many people. Nail supplies expert Maryton will offer you quick and easy solutions to get rid of these fungi. You will have all the keys to protect yourself from this problem and treat it effectively as soon as the first symptoms appear. Vinegar to treat nail fungus The main symptoms of toenail fungus are caused by an imbalance in the pH of the skin. Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar helps rebalance the pH. They work by eliminating the bacteria and fungi responsible for foot fungus. Coconut oil against fungal infections Coconut oil is a very fashionable natural
Tag: Pedicure kits
Pamper your feet
Dry feet is a phenomenon that can occur all year round. Indeed, the drying of the skin of the feet causes the appearance of unpleasant and painful roughness and calluses. The drying of the skin can come from one or more factors such as the very nature of its skin in this place devoid of sebaceous glands, friction and repeated pressures by wearing inappropriate shoes, the fact of market bare feet on the sand, prolonged standing or just the fact of being diabetic or menopausal. The thickening of the skin, or Hyperkeratosis, is a normal phenomenon in reaction to frequent friction,