Having a white spot on the nails, also known as leukonychia, is a common nail problem that affects many people. It is usually harmless and often goes away on its own. But in some cases, it can also be a sign of an underlying health condition. Why are there white spots on your nails? In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you answers. White spot on the nails linked to an injury One of the most common causes of white spots on nails is injury or trauma to the nail. This may be due to excessive pressure on the
Tag: Nail health
3 steps for stopping biting your nails
To have beautiful nails, you have to stop biting them. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will show you 3 steps for stopping biting your nails. Just keep reading! Step 1: Understand what triggers cravings The first thing to do to stop biting your nails is to know when in the day you do it. This can be for example when you watch TV or work. The goal is to know precisely what you are doing when it happens, who is around you and where you are. Step 2: Decondition yourself to the urge to bite your nails Once you know what triggers the urge to
5 home remedies to grow your nails faster
Are you a fan of grandmother's remedies? In this blog, your expert nail supplier Maryton will tell you some tricks to speed up the growth of your nails. Natural cure based on olive oil: heat 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl, then let cool. Then add 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Dip your nails in the bowl for 10 minutes.Natural milk-based cure: mix 125 ml of milk with lemon juice, and soak your fingers in it for 15 minutes. Repeat 3 times a week.Natural orange-based cure: squeeze 4 oranges, soak cotton discs in them, then apply to your nails. Let it work
Treat yourself to a little detox cure for the nails!
With the new trend of “never without my varnish”, the nails no longer breathe and end up suffocating under the layers of products. In order to restore the health of our nails, a short break is essential... Here are our few tips for treating yourself to a detox treatment for the nails! To start the detox cure for the nails, it is high time to say goodbye to your varnish! To remove all traces of varnish, use a cotton pad soaked in a mild acetone-free nail polish remover. In order not to damage your nails, don’t try to rub with all your