Before diving into the world of manicure, you have to know how to use the nail drill handpiece properly. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you the best way to use the handpiece. Once the speed has been adjusted, take the handpiece and hold it firmly like you are holding a pen, place your hand under the wrist and the middle finger supports it from below, the thumb and index finger serve apprehension and grasp the top and side handle. You must always use the nail drill against the current, that is to say that if your nail drill turns to the right, we will
Tag: Manicure products
The nail drill: how to use it?
To benefit from the many advantages that a nail drill machine offers, you must know how to use it. Here are some basic rules to know to use a nail drill properly. 1) Speed This speed allows the sander bit to spin quickly and can reach 30,000 revolutions per minute. For a start, avoid using the maximum speed, and you can gradually increase the speed according to the results you want to obtain. 2) Pressure Just like with the traditional file, you don't need to press down hard on your sander before it works. All you have to do is put it on the nail and then
How important is a nail drill in manicure?
When nail art is done correctly, it doesn’t damage natural nails. However, the latter need very special attention after that. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you how to take care of your nails after nail art. Let your nails breathe Indeed, the nails need to breathe so that they can stay healthy. We advise you to take breaks of a few days between each nail art and to take care of your nails during this period. Moisturize your nails and hands Moisturizing the nails and hands is a very important step. There are moisturizing creams that nourish both the nails and the hands. You
How to be beautiful to the tips of your fingernails?
To have beautiful hands, we must start by taking care of our nails. Do you know what to do? Today, your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you ideas in this article. We take care of our nails To fortify and whiten the tips of your nails, rub them with the juice of half a lemon every night. Let the lemon juice act on your nails for ten minutes before washing your hands with cool water. If you have soft or brittle nails, you can use brewer's yeast to strengthen them. Disposable Individually Packed Nail Manicure Sets 300 PCS
Beauty tips: fortified nails
Nails well cared for and manicured with a beautiful red or black that catches the eye or rather one of the fleshy and discreet colors or just transparent. Today, your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you beauty tips for your nails. How to maintain your nails? Doing manicures and putting on nail polish is good, but you still have to use the right manicure products. We advise you to use the professional products from clear varnish to nail polish remover to strengthen your nails. This will allow your nails to be less soft, less brittle and therefore more fortified. Regularly put oil