We know that for a wedding, we want to be impeccable from head to toe… And to the tips of our nails! So what color nails are suitable for a wedding? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you ideas. Just keep reading! If I had only one nail polish color for a wedding to recommend, it would be nude! Choosing a rather neutral color allows you to highlight your future wedding ring or the other elements that you can hold in your hands on D-Day. The French Manicure also meets his criteria perfectly – with an added touch of elegance. If possible, choose
Month: March 2023
How to treat nail infiltration?
As a matter of fact, nail infiltration is nothing serious. You just have to take the time to clean your nails well and apply an appropriate treatment to completely eliminate the bacteria and regain beautiful nails. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you How to treat nail infiltration in this article. Just keep reading! There are several tips to take into account to treat nail infiltration or simply avoid it: Space out your false nail poses: let your nails breathe.Gently clean his nails.Obtain an antifungal treatment to eliminate the bacteria.Dip your fingernails in a bath of diluted vinegar.Clean its interior
Why are there white spots on your nails?
Having a white spot on the nails, also known as leukonychia, is a common nail problem that affects many people. It is usually harmless and often goes away on its own. But in some cases, it can also be a sign of an underlying health condition. Why are there white spots on your nails? In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you answers. White spot on the nails linked to an injury One of the most common causes of white spots on nails is injury or trauma to the nail. This may be due to excessive pressure on the
3 steps for stopping biting your nails
To have beautiful nails, you have to stop biting them. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will show you 3 steps for stopping biting your nails. Just keep reading! Step 1: Understand what triggers cravings The first thing to do to stop biting your nails is to know when in the day you do it. This can be for example when you watch TV or work. The goal is to know precisely what you are doing when it happens, who is around you and where you are. Step 2: Decondition yourself to the urge to bite your nails Once you know what triggers the urge to
What are the essential accessories for a nail drill?
To make your electric nail drill really effective, you need to have some essential accessories. Today, this article will tell you the essential accessories for a nail drill. Keep reading! Here are essential accessories to you: A round tip for the edges of a cuticle.A cylindrical carbide or diamond tip for the upper side of the nail.A cone tip for cleaning edges.A flame tip to clean under the nails.Sanding bands (coarse grit, medium grit and fine grit) to remove varnish. Don’t hesitate to check the other accessories offered, because you may need other tips that correspond to your needs. Read also: How To Treat Damaged